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Seniors Rock Sticker

Seniors Rock Sticker


Regular price $4.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 USD
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Seniors Rock is a brand created by jazz singer Louisa Lee Poster. Her goal with this new line is to redefine what it means to grow older, through the craft of music, empowerment of self-expression and the belief that you’re never too old to pursue your passion.

Louisa Lee Poster is a former educator who upon retiring found her self persuing her love of music  of Tin Pan Alley. at a young 83 years young,  Louisa is redefining what it means to retire. She can be seen Saturdays at La Rivage a French restaurant in Restaurant Row here in New York, and on Sundays at Tio Pepe's in the West Village from 6-9pm.  

Louisa just premiered her new act "Swinging Down Tin Pan Alley" at Silvana to critical acclaim. Louisa has recorded two albums that can be purchased at her events in person or with us. 


Made 100% with durable vinyl that comes with strong 3M glue for decorations that last. Perfect for spicing up indoor decor (not waterproof).

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